
The founder of the platform Equine Anatomy Insight is equine therapist Stine Larsen Straume.

Stine is educated in anatomy and equine therapy and she has completed different educations in osteopathy, equine craniosacral therapy, kinesiology, fascia release, acupuncture, laser and massage. She is also a professional trainer and rider.

Stine is travelling the world to participate in courses and conferences to get more knowledge and to develop as therapist, teacher, trainer and rider. Stine grew up with horses and has studied the equine anatomy and biomechanics since then. She is doing equine dissections regularly and is also doing different research projects and is cooperating with other professionals.

Stine has been treating and studying a huge amount of horses during many years and she is every Month travelling around Europe to treat horses and to give lessons and lectures.

To get more information about Stine Larsen Straume you can visit her website equinebystine.com.


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